Friday, November 19, 2010

The Europe Syndrome and the Challenge to American Exceptionalism

The article is a “must-read” by Charles Murray, the W.H. Brady Scholar at the American Enterprise Institute.  Not only does he give great argumentation behind the concept of American Exceptionalism, he warns of a slide toward European socialism.  Interestingly, the two promises made by the social democratic agenda (namely the “equality premise” and the “new man premise”) can be found in the book of Genesis.  At the risk of over-spiritualizing, the serpent promised: “When you eat of it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God (equality), knowing good and evil (new man).”  Enjoy…and may we see the political Great Awakening in our lifetimes! european syndrome and the challenge to american exceptionalism



James A. Mann, Ph.D.

Lead Pastor, New Life Church of Denton

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