God is Dead
“Have you not heard of that madman who lit a lantern in the bright morning hours, ran to the market-place, and cried incessantly: ‘I am looking for God! I am looking for God!’ As many of those who did not believe in God were standing together there, he excited considerable laughter. Have you lost him, then? said one. Did he lose his way like a child? said another. Or is he hiding?... ‘Where has God gone?’ he cried. ‘I shall tell you. We have killed him - you and I. We are his murderers.’”
That famous last sentence, spoken by Friedrich Nietzsche’s “madman” was repeated in deed a few weeks ago by another madman named Jared Loughner.
Ever since that terrible moment, we have listened to both left and right lay blame at the foot of the other…mostly based on supposition before facts had been gathered.
The fact is that Loughner was a madman, a schizophrenic. But in his lucid moments he thought…he philosophized…he had an understanding of the world. The “worldview” to which he subscribed, according to friends, is called nihilism…the same espoused by Nietzsche.
According to Patrik Johnsson of the Christian Science Monitor, Bryce Tierney, said of Loughner, his childhood friend: “By the time he was 19 or 20, he was really fascinated with semantics and how the world is really nothing – illusion." Like the Joker in the Batman franchise, Loughner wanted to create chaos for the sake of chaos, Tierney said. "There's no rhyme or reason, he wanted to watch the world burn."
When Nietzsche told us that “God was dead,” his point was that the concept of God no longer held sway to modern men – as seen by the mockers. Since our science, technology, and philosophy had figured everything out, we had no more need for God…or his morals.
Nihilism, as a philosophy, views human existence as meaningless and that nothing has real value. Life is “absurd” (Camus). Random chance is the reason behind the universe. The cosmos is not moving toward a purpose and human history has no goal or end. Human beings are not the favored creation of a loving God, but simply evolved primates. Our “Creator” is not God – he is dead. Our god is chance plus random mutations plus natural selection and the will to power (Nietzsche). There is no life after death.
Apparently, in his sane moments, these were the beliefs of Mr. Loughner…his philosophy of life.
In the same way that one suicide bomber doesn’t speak for all Muslims, I guess one nut doesn’t speak for all nihilists…but look at what is missing from this philosophy of life. Morals. Values.
Nihilists like Loughner deny the existence of values. In their thinking, values are mere expressions of likes and dislikes. Who’s to say what is right or wrong? Is there such a thing as right and wrong? If a “moral” life brings satisfaction, follow it. If not, then morality has no rationally justified demand on you.
The moral equivalency of all ideas taught to Jared Loughner by our schools and society – “believe whatever works for you”- is one step short of nihilism. Hopefully, most young people won’t take that last step. Loughner did.
When God is dead in our schools and society…when we teach that there are no firm moral truths…that we are essentially evolved animals…how do young people know where to draw the line? We tell them, “Right and wrong are subjective, so do what you like…except murder.” The next “logical” step is that these kids do what they like…even murder.
I’ll spare you the preaching. You can join us on Sunday if you want to hear that. Let me just say today that perhaps Jared Loughner, in his insanity, has proven that Nietsche was a prophet. In America, God may be dead. And we might be the ones killing Him.
James A. Mann, Ph.D.
Lead Pastor, New Life Church of Denton